Cloud-based network segmentation vs traditional network segmentation

June 21, 2021

The Battle of Segmentation

You may have heard about network segmentation as a technique to improve security for your organization. It's a process of dividing a large network into smaller segments or subnets to enhance security and manageability. But with the rise of the cloud, a new player has entered the ring - cloud-based network segmentation. In this blog post, we'll provide a factual comparison between cloud-based and traditional network segmentation.

Traditional Network Segmentation

Traditionally, network segmentation is done using physical devices such as routers, switches, and firewalls. It relies on network patterns to identify and categorize devices on the network. The process is often manual, which can lead to mistakes and security gaps.

However, traditional network segmentation is still widely used for on-premises networks. It creates a barrier between different network segments, making it difficult for attackers to move laterally within the network. In the event of a security breach, network segmentation limits the attacker's ability to move from one segment to another, which can minimize the impact of the breach.

Cloud-based Network Segmentation

With the increasing popularity of cloud computing, cloud-based network segmentation has emerged as a viable alternative to traditional network segmentation. It uses software-defined networking (SDN) to provide network isolation and access controls for cloud-based applications and services.

Cloud-based network segmentation can be automated and configured using policies, which can help reduce the risk of human error. It also allows for more granular access controls, making it easier to limit the access of individual users or applications to specific resources.

Cloud-based Network Segmentation vs Traditional Network Segmentation

Let's compare cloud-based network segmentation and traditional network segmentation based on a few key factors:


Traditional network segmentation can be challenging to scale, as it relies on physical devices that need to be manually configured. In contrast, cloud-based network segmentation can be easily scaled using automation and policies.


Both cloud-based and traditional network segmentation can enhance security by controlling traffic and limiting the spread of security threats. However, cloud-based network segmentation can offer more fine-grained access controls, limiting the impact of a security breach.

Management Complexity

Traditional network segmentation requires manual configuration, which can be time-consuming and error-prone. In contrast, cloud-based network segmentation can be centrally managed using policies, making it easier to implement and maintain.


Overall, both traditional and cloud-based network segmentation have their strengths and weaknesses. Which one is right for you depends on your organization's specific needs and requirements. In most cases, a combination of both may be the best approach.

Regardless of which approach you choose, network segmentation remains a vital tool in protecting your organization's assets against cyber threats.


  • Hote, P., & Saifee, W. (2019). Network Segmentation in the Cloud. IEEE Cloud Computing, 6(2), 36-42. doi: 10.1109/mcc.2019.2906757
  • Mell, P., Drage, T., & Quinn, T. (2018). Network Segmentation Using Virtualization: Best Practices for Securing Your Virtual Environment. National Institute of Standards and Technology, Special Publication, 800-125A.

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